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 a nice Arabic music i have ever heard

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2 posters
thunder girl

Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2007-06-12

a nice Arabic music i have ever heard Empty
PostSubject: a nice Arabic music i have ever heard   a nice Arabic music i have ever heard Icon_minitimeTue Jun 12, 2007 3:47 am

Hi every one my name is Faith i am a girl living in UK, but my nationality half Japanese half Scott. last month i went with some friends to a big party in London , people from different countries shared with music and some song , but the most part was very interesting (( Arabic music)) very comfortable after while i ask many friend and told me about this kind of music and from where , my friends introduced me to guy from Lebanon and give me some ideas and some website and i was hearing some of it ,because not all Arab music in English . i after while i told to my friend we need to make a good communication with young people from Arab areas to establish a good relation ,so we spend a few time to search about any forums by helping from Arab friends we get you guys so i hope to create and build a good link with you or other , why Lebanon for tow reason 1- Very Happy my colleague from Lebanon 2- i read about Lebanon but not that much but from the situation in Lebanon now we are talking about this area . unfortunately , i have never met any girls form Lebanon ,but i met boys . they are so gentle and had moral and they have some from Japanese traditional . so i hope find some friend to communicate .

may thanks Faith Embarassed
a nice Arabic music i have ever heard 503954
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The Angel
The Angel

Number of posts : 75
Age : 34
Registration date : 2007-03-18

a nice Arabic music i have ever heard Empty
PostSubject: Re: a nice Arabic music i have ever heard   a nice Arabic music i have ever heard Icon_minitimeTue Jun 12, 2007 10:41 pm

hey, well i don't know if you have noticed, but the forum now is not working, because we are preparing to do a big we are not working on this one now...anyway if you are interested, send me a PM and ask me for whatever you want, i can give you really good forums for the current time so you can communicate with many lebanese people there.

waiting for your PM
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a nice Arabic music i have ever heard
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